Christian Dior handbags and purses are so famous for having sophisticated design that combines luxury, classic beauty and a touch of modern lifestyle. Designed by the fashion house of Christian Dior, Dior bags are known for their sophistication and supreme craftsmanship.
Due to popularity of Christian Dior, many manufacturers are producing replica handbags to provide Dior fans a truly inexpensive option. If you want a true investment, always get an authentic signature bag.
Below are some tips for you to easily identify a faux Christian Dior handbag:
- Always remember that a genuine Christian Dior bag always made in Italy. Imitations may place a tag that it was made in France, Spain or in other countries.
- On leather Dior bags, the leather label should be finished around every edge with stitching that is perfectly aligned. Many of the copied Dior bags have the stitch lines running only along the top of the label.
- Inspect the corners of the label. It should have rounded bottom corners and squared off top corners. The corners of fake Dior labels are squared off or rounded on all sides.
- The stamps and logos on the label should be embossed with high quality impression. There should also be a texture on the label when you run your finger over it.
- The interior lining a real Dior handbag should be in solid dark nylon with no print. Most Dior imitations feature a monogrammed printed lining instead.
Now, you know what to look for when shopping for authentic Christian Dior handbags. Always buy from exclusive stores near your area or on the internet in order for you to get the real investment.